Monday, 3 December 2007

Draft/Suggestion: Rules of Engagement for the Imperial Navy

These rules are just a suggestion, based on experience and practice, and have been submitted to the Admiralty in Victoria City, Caledon.
Should any other naval body find inspiration in this concept, it is of course free for copying and modification. The origins of the concept (The Imperial Navy of Caledon) may be included as a courtesy, but that is not a demand.

If you do use it for inspiration, modify, or better it, please feel free to publish your changes in the comments here, so that others may benefits of any improvements. The same goes for any suggestions, of course.



1. The Rule of Peace
Do not start hostilities
2. The Rule of Defense
If attacked, you may defend yourself
3. The Rule of Diplomacy
Be corteous at all times
4. The Rule of Piracy
Forget the rules, go for it, lasses and lads
5. The Rule of Practice
aka "Creak, Clank & Boom"
Engaging in friendly tussles
6. The Rule of War
If agreed-upon conflicts occur, other rules may apply

Amendment the First - Sacrosanct areas

1. The Rule of Peace
Do not start hostilities

A vessel of the Imperial Navy shall never open fire or initiate hostile acts with a vessel of another nation or region.
With hostile acts can mean boarding another vessel, disturbing its journey, the refusal to remove prims placed on another nation's or region's territory, refusal to acknowledge a region's sovereign's request, etc.

2. The Rule of Defense
If attacked, you may defend yourself

2.a If a vessel of another nation or region initiates hostile acts against or obviously fire intentionally on a ship of the Imperial Navy, the latter has the right to return fire and defend itself.
2.b A captain commanding an Imperial vessel should use his judgement in deciding to engate in combat or to avoid it with the hostile vessel. While considerating this, the overall good for the Independent State of Caledon should be taken into consideration, not only personal glory.

3. The Rule of Diplomacy
Be corteous

Navies and their members of allied or friendly nations or regions shall be treated at all times with respect and courtesy.
Refrain from slurs or insinuations. As a naval officer and in command of one of His Guvnah's Ships, you are a representative of the Independent State of Caledon and expected to behave like a rolemodel for your crew.

4. The Rule of Piracy
Forget the rules, go for it, lads

Any vessel that clearly defines itself as a pirate ship or vessel shall be exempt from these rules.
A pirate vessel may be engaged at any time and without warning.
However, sinking anchored vessels in harbours while their captains are not present, even if it is currently flying a pirate flag, is not considered the behaviour of a naval officer and a gentleman.

5. The Rule of Practice
aka "Creak, Clank & Boom"
Engaging in friendly tussles

We acknowledge the need for practice as well as naval combat for entertainment.
A captain of an Imperial vessel may of course always engage in these activities, such as battles where time, place and rules (or no rules) are agreed upon prior to the engagement.
However, a captain should make sure that all involved parts have agreed to participate before commencing battle.
Also, it is crucial for the captain to understand that he and his crew are entering the fray as individuals and thus must never claim to representate the nation of Caledon nor its Imperial Navy, under such circumstances. The only exception of this is during conflicts as described in item 6.

6. The Rule of War
If agreed-upon conflicts occur, other rules may apply

Sometimes conflicts are organised which may involve the Imperial Navy. These may include staged battles with organised bands of pirates such as PiratesOfSL, the Scourge of Antiquity, the Fellowship of the Coast and others.
Wars may be organised in the same manner, such as the RFL wars with other nations. These are however always sanctioned by the state and no war will be acknowledged by a naval officer unless it is officially declared and/or sanctioned the Guvnah himself.


Amendment the First - Sacrosanct areas
There are some areas within Caledon where naval combat of any form is not allowed. This amendment must be respected at all times. Failure to do so is a sign of outmost disrespect.
Here are the areas that are considered sacrosanct. If in doubt, always check with the Admiralty or with the lady/lord of the domain prior to any engagement.

(None for the moment)

The main purpose of these rules are to avoid circumstances that can disturb Caledon's peaceful relations with other nations or give our Guvnah an unnessecary headache.

Thursday, 18 October 2007

New arrival on the market: The Longship

This is a pressrelease from Chase Speculaas, builder of the SPD Brigantine:

The Longship is the much-awaited and newest addition to the SPD new-line of combat ships. Using wearable parts technology, which attaches and detatches and rezzes parts of the ship automatically, the Longship is able to sport 171+21 prims and still be able to function smoothly using realistic wind-driven sailing physics. Alternatively, you can switch to rowing mode and ignore the wind.

The cannons can be controlled by your crew, with an easy, intuitive interface. Alternatively, the cannons can be hidden or removed for an unarmed ship, perfect for transport (carrying 8 avatars). The ship can be used as a plain vehicle, for relaxing cross-grid cruises, or as part of the SPD pirate ship game; its cannons damage other new-line SPD ships (currently only the Brigantine, Mujer Vieja, and Longships, but I'll be developing several other compatible ships in the future), and you can sink them/be sunk/etc.

--Rowable or sailable, with animated oar movement
--Copiable and Modifiable
--Seats 8 avatars
--24 HP
--Can be damaged by cannonballs fired from other compatible ships
--Capsizes if it heels too much in strong crosswinds
--Repair Depot included
--ALL textures on the ship are modifiable
--Ship is driven by the wind, using Kanker Greenacre's sailboat script as the base (however, heavily modified)
--Cannons can be armed, or hidden belowdecks
--171 + 21 prims, using state-of-the art automated wearing technology
--Hull shows progressive damage (cannon ball holes, smoke, etc.)
--2 independently aimable chaser cannons, with longer range than the Brigantine's cannons
--Muzzle flash, smoke effects, etc.
--Includes the newest version of the Speculaas Melee system, for swordfighting
--Can be Scuttled
--Progressive damage effects; sails more slowly the more damaged it is

***Special thanks to Zhuan Tarski for building the body for this incredible ship!

The landmark in the release points to Chase's shop in ElvenGlen

Update: I couldn't find it in ElvenGlen, but it is also available in Sanchon 137,16,40.
Price L$ 1 100

Updated update: Wrong landmark, sorry about that. Correct is ElvenGlen (217, 49, 26). The SLurl link above should be update as well.

Friday, 12 October 2007

Ironclads: Newsflash?

At 2:35am this morning I noticed that the Murakami Steamworks line of popular ironclads (such as the CSS and USS historical models, as well as the David) seems to have been withdrawn from the market.
I am not sure if this is because of scripting updates or anything, but a quick visit to the company's HQ in Erlberg only showed up an empty region for sale.

I have contacted both Mr. Murakami and his colleague to see if I can get some more information. If so, I will post it here soforth.

Update: I got a reply from Mr. Murakami and the company is in the process of moving to Caledon. Meanwhile they had to take down the server. It might be down a month or two, unless they find anyone willing to lend some land for it until they are re-established.

Friday, 5 October 2007

Welcome aboard!

We would like to wish Miss Eladrienne Laval welcome aboard the HGS Zaneta!

Miss Laval of Caledon Regency holds the rank as Midshipman in the Imperial Navy of Caledon, has proven herself in battle and is known not to flinch when facing danger.

Midshipman Laval will take the position of Boatswain (see details below) on the HGS Zaneta, which generally mean she will be in charge of morality boosts, grog and whisky rations, coordination of guns in battle, gangpressing and ship order. The latter means keeping the crew in line and the captain sober.. occasionally.

If you wish to know more, you can view her journal, A Stroll Through Caledon

Welcome aboard, Boatswain!

The Boatswain supervised the maintenance of the vessel and its supply stores. He was responsible for inspecting the ship and it's sails and rigging each morning, and reporting their state to the captain. The Boatswain was also in charge of all deck activities, including weighing and dropping anchor, and the handling of the sails.

Sunday, 30 September 2007


The title Post-Captain was used to distinguish those who were captains by rank from

  • officers in command of a naval vessel, who were (and still are) addressed as captain regardless of rank;
  • commanders, who received the title of captain as a courtesy, whether they currently had a command or not. (Note that Commander's rank is lower than Captain.)

Once an officer had been promoted to post-captain, his further promotion was strictly by seniority; if he could avoid death or disgrace, he would eventually become an admiral (even if only a yellow admiral).

In the Royal Navy of the time, an officer might have a rank, but not a command. Until the officer had a command, he was "on the beach" and on half-pay. An officer who was promoted from commander was a captain, but until he was given a command, he was on half-pay. Once the captain was given a command, his name was "posted" in the "Naval Gazette."

An officer "took post" or was "made post" when he was first commissioned to command a rated vessel — that is, a ship too important to be commanded by a mere commander.
Unrated vessels could also in some cases be commanded by post-captains. Being "made post" is portrayed as the most crucial event in an officer's career in both Forester's Hornblower series and O'Brien's Aubrey-Maturin series.

A junior post-captain would usually command a frigate or a comparable ship, while a senior post-captain (i.t. a full rank captain) would command a ship of the line.

Rank Insignia
After 1795, when they were first introduced on Royal Navy uniforms, the number and position of epaulettes distinguished between commanders and post-captains of various seniorities.
A commander wore a single epaulette on the left shoulder.
A post-captain with less than three years seniority wore a single epaulette on the right shoulder, and a post-captain with three or more years seniority was the same as captain and wore one epaulette on each shoulder from then.
In the O'Brian series, Aubrey "wets the swab" -- that is, he celebrates his promotion to commander (and the acquisition of his "swab" or epaulette) with the consumption of copious amounts of alcohol.

Note that the term was descriptive only: No-one was ever titled "Post-Captain John Smith".

Post-ship was a designation used in the Royal Navy during the age of sail to describe an unrated ship (see rating system of the Royal Navy) which was, for whatever reason, and usually temporarily, commanded by a post-captain instead of a lieutenant or commander. When a post-captain took command of an unrated vessel she would instantly transform from a brig or sloop-of-war to a "post-ship". When the post-captain relinquished command the vessel would transform back to her normal status.

Unlike other uses of the term "ship" during this era, "post-ship" implies nothing on the rig of the vessel.

Main source: Wikipedia

Sunday, 23 September 2007

Information on the "Runner"

Since my Canal Runner has actually become a bit popular, not just in Caledon, and I probably will develop different models in the future, I have decided to create a specific page with notes and images of it.

That way, it is also easier for me to collect the documentation (and for you to find it), than to have it spred out over several blog posts.

The page is enabled for comments, so if you have any reflections, feel free to post them there!

Adress of the page is:

Saturday, 22 September 2007

You don't have to be a pirate...

Most of us have to admit it. Flying the black and white flag, with any version of skulls, crossbones, etc is a special feeling.

But you don't actually have to be a pirate to hoist the dreaded flag of the past.
One nations hero was another country's pirate, a truth still alive and kicking today (may have to substitute it for terrorist, insurgent, or any other term, though).

Also, sometimes military ships were using it to either scare the enemy, or to show that no quarter was expected, nor given.

The British Navy has a tradition to fly a Jolly Roger when returning to port when a submarine made a kill at sea. The Jolly Roger would have "x"s for every kill they made.

Friday, 21 September 2007

The SPD Brig: Rigging

Rigging is the arrangement of sails on a ship. Basically there are two kinds, "square-rigged", where the sails and spars (on a mast you have the wooden beams to which the sails are fastened. These are called spars), go in the direction left - right, and "fore-and-aft", where they go front-back (like most sailing yachts today).

The SPD Brigantine is actually more similar to a brig than a brigantine in it's rigging. Of course there were a lot of variantions, more or less from ship to ship, but in general, a brig has two masts, both square rigged, whereas a brigantine also has two masts, but a square rigged foremast and a fore-and-aft rigged mainmast.

For comparison, you can compare the brigantine Irving Johnson to the brig Lady Washington. The rigging on the SPD Brig is nearly identical with the latter.

Here are the names of the individual sails on this magnificient ship:

Above the main topgallant sail was occasionally a very small sail, called the royal.
The Boommainsail could sometimes be called the gaff, but in my opinion, the former is more correct. Especially since that is the most important sail on the SPD Brig (basically the one doing most of the job).
The "wings" rigged fore-and-aft (sails E & F) are called studding sails, and named after the sails to which they are fastened.

Sunday, 16 September 2007

Caledon Seaways: The Passages North-South

This is an update of the Caledon seaways, focusing on the three routes from Firth of Caledon to SteamSkyCity, which is the gateway to the southern Duchies.

Eastern Route

E1. Caledon Mayfair 27,253,21 - Circumnavigating Mayfair on the northern and easter edges, the passage is blocked here, pretty much for all traffic, but for perhaps a narrow submergible.

E2. Caledon Mayfair 47,199,21 - A bridge is blocking here. However, it is scripted, though I don't know what the script does. The design of the bridge makes it suitable for Takos in Phantom mode, however.

E3. Caledon Mayfair 255,244,21 - The NE Mayfair corner is narrow but doable by smaller boats

E4. Caledon Mayfair 227,214,21 - A rather heavy bridge blocks this route. Again, however, with a Tako in Phantom mode, it should work

E5. Caledon Mayfair 255,137,21 - Docks here making it a narrow passage. I couldn't measure the exact width, since objects are not allowed to be created here. I would judge it to approx 3.5m, though

E6. Caledon Mayfair 252,45,21 - A house seems to be under construction. There is a low passage, wide enough, but free height is barely 3.5m

E7. Caledon Carntaigh 201,37,21 - The Carntaigh Railway/road bridges are still here, of course. But by taking the Carntaigh route, rather than the Mayfair, you only have to negotiate one bridge.

Caledon Primverness 230,233,22 - In the NE corner of Primverness, my mini-map went black, and I witnessed these rocks out in the sea. I can't remember seeing them before. A mirage? Too much grog yesterday?

E8. Caledon Primverness 2,6,21 - I am very curious to know if someone else is able to make it round the "Cap Desmond" in another kind of vessel (I have only done it in the Canal Runner). It is a very tight corner from Primverness, about half a square metre in VC into Loch Avie.

E9. Caledon Tamrannoch 255,4,14 - The Eastern route is by far the longest one, with several obstacles and a few "hidden" dangers, such as full parcels.

Central Route

C1. The Northern Highland passage, as described yesterday.

C2. Caledon Highlands 58,75,21 - Apart from the passage between the northern cliffs, there are two narrow parts in the Highlands. They are managable for smaller and probably medium sized vessels. The first is a narrow part..

C3. Caledon Highlands 33,34,21 - a bit of a tight turn, but manageable

C4. C5.Caledon 243,60,21 - The two drawbridges the Guvnah provided makes the Central Route otherwise very easy.

Western Route

W1. Port Caledon 4,32,21 - A new unexpected obstacle is a stonepillar under water and not visible. It sits just 5cm under water.

W2. Port Caledon 2,52,21 - The landtongue earlier reported on however is gone, which means that apart from the stonepillar, it's basically a free passage between North and South this way.

Saturday, 15 September 2007

Seaway change

Caledon Highlands - It seem like the north-south passage in Caledon Highlands, just south of the entry to the Speirling Isles, has been slightly terraformed.
It used to allow enough space even for a Tako there, but I just tried with the Canal Runner and it wasn't able to make it through. Even though it seems to be able to pass (it is 3.95m wide at the narrowest part), there are some underwater cliffs, making it an effective passage of 2.78m.

I will mark it out on the map I am currently updating.

Posted through Slurlblogger v0.41

Friday, 14 September 2007

Ship types ("historical")

I have presented the SPD class Brigantine earlier in this Log and have planned to go through different types of ships available on the market.

As with all intentions, they sometimes finally come around, though much later than anticipated. Well, I have collected pictures and data on various ships and will hopefully soon be able to compile the data in a more readable format for posting here.

Meanwhile, here are som historical ship types, typically used during "The Golden Age of Piracy". As with many other things, there was not always a consequent terminology, they changed over time, etc.

The rating system of the Royal Navy, a universal system for classifying ships, was first set up in 1677 by the famous Samuel Pepys, at that time Secretary to the Admiralty.

The ships descibed below are some of the more common ones, though naturally, a wild variety of ships were used, especially by pirates and buccaneers.

If you were a pirate:

SLOOP - It was usually rigged for a large fore-and-aft mainsail, but could easily be altered for various sail combinations, the huge bowsprit adding more canvas area for maneuverability.
Having a length of 30 to 60 feet and a top speed of over 10 knots, a crew of 20 to 70 men could easily maneuver this father of today's sailing yacht for quick in-and-out surprise attacks, avoiding broadsides and outrunning pursuit. With the sloop weighing as much as 100 tons and having maybe 15 cannons, its draft was still very shallow at eight feet and allowed it to find refuge in shallower waters far beyond the reach of any warship. This also was the reason that those commissioned to hunt out pirates often chose the sloop to gain access to their hiding spots.

SCHOONERS - Another favorite of the Caribbean and Atlantic pirates was the similarly sized two-masted schooner. With many of the prized features of the sloop such as terrific speed, maneuverability, and gun capacity, this sleek American variant was developed in the 1700's with a narrower hull and a shallower draft of only 5 feet. This meant it could effortlessly take a full load and 75-man crew further inland to hide or to divide the spoils, but diminished hold capacity meant fewer spoils to be had when you arrived.

BRIGANTINE - This shallow-draft, two-mast brigand's ship provided great maneuverability and speed from its various square and fore/aft-rigged sail possibilities. It was valued in the Mediterranean, where its earlier versions sometimes included oars that were better for diminished winds. Longer, heavier, roomier, and better manned than the smaller sloops and schooners, it was usually the first choice for prolonged battles instead of quick hits. A larger cargo area combined with moderate firepower meant the versatile brigantine also saw widespread use as a trade ship.70-80 foot length, 125-150 tons, 100+ men, 12 guns and so on.

If you were a Navy man:

The Navy SNOW became the patrol boat of choice for the British in their campaign against piracy. This 90 ton, 60 foot ship was very much like a brigantine, but offered extra maneuverability with trysails added to the standard square-rig arrangement of her two masts. It was well manned with up to 80 men and had 8 small guns.

The Navy SLOOP was a one-masted pirate hunter only slightly bigger than the snow but bulkier, with 12 guns and an abundance of sail. This 110 ton ship enabled a crew of 70 to give the pirates all they could handle even in calm winds: there were several pairs of oars fit between the gun ports for swift pursuit whenever sails hung limp.

Naval MAN O' WAR - Only the main naval powers of England, Spain, and France could afford a Man O' War to use these 3-masted, square-rig gun ships in any great number during the Golden Age of Piracy. Designed like a galleon but armored for war, the largest could weigh an amazing 3500 tons and have 140 guns. The principal differences in the types and uses for the gun ships stemmed from their weight, size, and number of guns, which determined basic maneuverability.

Three Man O'War ship types were:
The SHIP OF THE LINE actually refers to the top three in a six-level description based on size, crew, and firepower, with a 200-foot first class over 2000 tons, 100 or more heavy guns, worked by over 850 men on at least three decks. The massive arsenals of classes one through three were generally reserved for bombarding fortresses, fighting battles of national significance, and other large-scale naval conflicts.

The FRIGATE was a moderately sized, light armored ship with 18 to 40 mid-sized guns on one or two decks and 50 to 200 men. It was much lighter and faster at 300 or more tons over as little as110 feet, so in addition to leading convoys, it saw duty for reconnaissance, patrols, and pirate hunting. While no giant ship of the line, the frigate was still imposing enough to send some pirates scurrying just at the sight.

The CORVETTE was a smaller but powerful two-masted variety with up to 20 guns on one deck. Having the least amount of armor made it swift and agile, but the smaller number of guns meant the fights had to be chosen wisely.

I plan to post more about the six-level ship description used by the Royal Navy.

Main source: Various entries in Wikipedia

Thank you

Cross-posted from Caledon Forums

I would like to thank everyone that in one way or another assisted or participated in the Harvest Festival Maritime events.

A warm and heartfelt thank you to

Otenth Paderborn, Duke of Murdann
Gloire Thibaud, Duchess of Middlesea
Admiral Carricre Wind, Duchess of Caledon Sound
Eva Bellambi, Duchess of Loch Avie
Commodore Oolon Sputnik
Darkling Elytis, Marquise of West Speirling
Kirawill Collingwood, Marquessa of East Speirling
Ms. Chrysocolla Rau
Ms. Hypathia Callisto
Ms. Cornelia Rothschild
Mr. ZenMondo Wormser
Captain AliKuban Koba
Ms. Soleil Snook
Ms. Zoe Connolly
Ms. Eladrienne Laval

All participants & spectators that made this event actually happen!

Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Caledon Races: Race course

This map shows the course for both the Tako Races and the Three Laps Steamboat Races.
It will also be available on the island of Murdann, near the start.

When reaching the finishline the first and second time, the steamboats must cross the line from east to west, since it funtions as a buoy. Failing this counts as an incomplete lap. And yes, we have functionaries around the buoys. ;)

I did a testrun with the "race version" of my Canal Runner earlier today, just to get an idea of what time we talking about. Of course it was only a testrun, etc, etc, but my time for completing it was 11 minutes and 24 seconds. So calculate between 10 and 12 minutes for the race, I'd say.
This means it is not entirely about who has the most optimal engine, since steering, rounding, chosing course and handling the boat also are factors that enter the equation.

I hope the events will be enjoyable! I will keep
onposting any news or updates here.

Sunday, 9 September 2007

Notes on the Steam Boat Races in Caledon the 11th and 12th

Port Caledon 177,208,625 - Some information about the upcoming steamboat races (Harvest Festival event)

The details are not set in stone yet, the skilled Ms. Soleil Snook is helping me drafting the simple rules. They are not to be that many! Considering the ingenuity of Caledon's citiezens, we need some clarifications, like this is a boat race. As in actually travelling, not just one foot in the water while using steam jet engines to travel aetherically or something. ;)

Own builds are not only allowed, but encouraged. Think 'Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines'. No speed limits, though in my own experience, the higher the speed (over 25), the more likely something will go wrong.

The race will start in Caledon Murdann and the rounding buoy is in Caledon Sound. Not only that, but some endurance is demanded, since it is a three lap course

If it works out well, it will become the Caledon Steam Cup, which will take place at regular intervals.
More information will appear here as soon as I have it!

Thursday, 6 September 2007

Harvest Festival Update

I just got confirmation from the Duke of Murdann, so the maritime events WILL start at 8:00 pm SLTime in Caledon Murdann.
(See earlier entry for details).


Apart from updates here, I will add details in my calendar, which is publicly available.
Times are SLT, not GMT or my own timezone, to simplify it a bit for everyone.

Harvest Festival Maritime Events

The Steelhead & Caledon Harvest Festival is coming up and I am trying to get together/coordinate events and staff from various timezones.

This is how the schedule I am working on right now is looking.
Mind you, it is only temporary, I hope to get more responses during the day.

* Tuesday, September 11 *

8:00pm SLT
Opening of the Caledon Races by Otenth Paderborn, Duke of Murdann & Caledon Sail & Steam Society

8:30pm SLT
Tako Races, Firth of Caledon (from Caledon Murdann to Caledon Sound and back)

9:30pm SLT
Steamboat 3 Lap Races 'Caledon Cup'

* Wednesday, September 12 *

12:00pm SLT
Naval Battles, Caledon Sound

7:00pm SLT
Tako Races, Firth of Caledon (from Caledon Murdann to Caledon Sound and back)

8:00pm SLT
Steamboat 3 Lap Races 'Caledon Cup'

9:00pm SLT
Naval Battles, Caledon Sound

Tuesday, 4 September 2007

Canal Runner 1.2 released!

Finally released the new version of the Runner.

Apart from on sale in Sanchon or Surridge Wharf, Port Caledon, you can find it on OnRez or SLX.

Sunday, 2 September 2007

Introducing: Caledon Sail & Steam Society

The CS&SS has just about launched, we have still to draft a charter, create an Insignia (Any volunteers? I suck at graphic design) and so forth.

The purpose of the Society is to further civil maritime matters in Caledon, and include both sailing vessels as well as steam engined ones.
We have some activities planned, but pretty much anything can be addressed in CS&SS; sailing courses, buyer guides and assistance, Tako racing, texturing, etc.

For more information, or if you wish to join, even at this early stage, please contact

Ms. Hypatia Callisto
Lt. Sin Trenton

The Canal Smuggler

This simple yet agile boat originated in the New Babbage canals for smuggling poseballs of dubious nature, landmarks to Broadly Offensive Sims, etc, while escaping the long nose of the law.
It has since become quite popular for the general audience and in response to their needs, been developed further.
The version 1.2, now known as The Canal Runner, will be released shortly.

  • Length: 9.55 m
  • Width: 3.33 m
  • Depth: 0.437 m
  • Height: That of yourself (the boat is lower, unless you are a tiny and it's hard to duck inworld. Even with the right animation, SL registers you as sitting upright).

New in 1.2:

  • Engine sound changed to a more steamengineish
  • Added animated propeller
  • Added water ripples to sides and aft
  • Smoke now turns off when standing up from the boat. The same goes for water riples and propeller
  • Sitscript in bow. Just click Sit on the board front, which means you can now also have a passenger. The boat is still modifyable, so your own poseballs may be added/linked
  • Very simple manual included. Stress simple. It's a simple boat, hence simple manual.

Saturday, 1 September 2007

Map over the Caledon Seaways voyage

  1. The bridge and rail in Carntaigh
  2. The narrow passage from Primverness into Loch Avie. Tight, but doable.
  3. A full parcel in Tamrannoch
  4. A small landtongue stretched out all the way into the void ocean
  5. A boat fulfilling much the same role as #4.

Next: The Canal Runner 1.2 (f.k.a. Canal Smuggler), the boat that made the passage.

Caledon Seaways Pt. II

Caledon Sound 134,126,21 - I see two possible obstacles on the map, maybe three. Two are in Kittiwickshire and one in Eyre. We'll see how it goes.

Cdn Kittiwickshire 189,256,21 - Obstacle one was no problem, number 2 however is sticking out into the void seas, and there is no way to navigate around it. I tried but made it halfway.

Caledon Regency 243,72,21 - The north coast of Caledon is very easy to travel, with a good coastal margin. The travel from here down to the Firth should not be too complicated

Caledon Middlesea 1,215,21 - And back out to the open sea. Now I just have to map the circumnavigation of Caledon, marking out the locations from this log.
The map will be posted here in a bit!

Caledon Seaways

Caledon Loch Avie 249,111,21 - I started out in Caledon Sounds, and travelled down to Carntaigh. I didn't expect to be able to pass the tight corner from Primverness to Loch Avie, but it was a success, albeit tight. The bridge in Carntaigh (195,35) is too low for any vessel to pass, so you have to drag your boat there.

Caledon Tamrannoch 255,1,14 - Now travelling along the southern edge of the Caledon continent. The turn around Loch Avie and Moors is absolutely not as tight as the passage from Primverness, but you need to keep a cool head and a firm control over your vessel here as well. Passing from the Moors into Loch Avie is simpler.

Caledon Tamrannoch 255,1,14 - Just had a hit with a full parcel though.. ouch. Be careful when passing Gestalt in Tamrannoch

Caledon SteamSkyCity 101,247,21 - Having a short pause, a pipe and a cuppa tea under Ms Malaprop's lighthouse and the SteamSkyCity before continuing north. Apart from the parcel mishap, so far, so good, touch wood.

Port Caledon 0,49,21 - Unfortunately a land tongue is sticking out all the way into the sea in Port Caledon. It is only about a metre but makes it impossible to pass

Caledon Sound 130,128,22
- Back in Caledon Sound where I started this voyage. Going through maps, and planning the second and final part of the travel around Caledon

Friday, 31 August 2007

Starting the Ships Records of the Imperial Navy of Caledon

I have started, only started, mind you, collecting information for the Records. Shortly, I will send out an inquiry for a census, so we will have more data.
The actual Records will most likely be a public document, available in Caledon or on request from the Admirality.

This is how the entries will look:

The Guvnah's Flagship, Mercantile
Captain: Admiral Guvnah Desmond Shang
Shipwright: Pituca FairChang
Ship Class: FairChang Galleon
Ship Type: Stationary
Combat System: None

Captain: Admiral Carricre Wind
Shipwright: Carricre Wind
Ship Class: Wind Dreadnaught
Ship Type: Stationary
Combat System: None (yet)

Captain: Commodore Oolon Sputnik
Shipwright: commissioned

Captain: Sin Trenton
Shipwright: Chase Speculaas
Ship Class: SPD Brigantine
Ship Type: Sailing
Combat System: SPD Brigantine

Turning a new leaf

There was some time since I last wrote in this log, I admit. Much water has passed under the keel.

So I think I need to start with a brief recaitulation of what has been happening. Which is a lot, but I try to stay brief.

Lately, I have spent much time in my workshop, experimenting and developing an airship, a submarine that I baptized Naughtilus II and a steamengined boat, currently selling under the name The Canal Smuggler. This was made for narrow rivers and shallow waterways, but works well also on the open sea.
I'll post more data on that one later, and hope to soon have a version 1.2 out on the market.

HGS Zaneta has remained mainly at port, apart from the last days, when we've been studying the winds of Caledon's new waters. Four regions of mainly open water regions added, making a large firth together with Lionsgate!
Which reminds me that I need to update the Caledon map. I'll wait until the forms of the new regions have settled a bit and Wellesian has arrived, however.

You can navigate from Eyre down the Stormhold River across the Firth and down the waterways of say Caledon Highlands and further south. The latter depends on the size and maneuverability of your vessel, of course.

I am proud to be able to say that I am not a full member of the Imperial Navy of Caledon, a naval officer with Lieutenant's rank. The privateering days are over, and HGS Zaneta is now truly a vessel in service of the Guvnah's Navy.
Apart from that, I also have the official position of being in charge of the Naval Records, keeping the lists of the Navy's ship, types, etc.
If you are the Captain of such a ship, please contact me inworld, so we can make sure all data are correct!

The unofficial (?) home of the Navy is the pub, The Salty Mermaid, located in Kittiwickshire, Northwest by north of the telehub, as you arrive. (Map)

Not wanting to leave the more unkempt maritime existences in Caledon, said pub has also an "Evil Twin" (TM) in the notorius Surridge Wharf, Port Caledon. Of course it is at your own risk that you enter the Poxed Mermayde, or Surridge Wharf, even. (Map)

More notes to come!

Friday, 6 July 2007

Map over the continents (mainlands)

Mayneland - The oldest parts of the world.
Mainland nowadays generally refer to all the continents.

Northlands - Basically integrated with the old Mayneland.

Great Southern Lands - The north island of this continent is where Sanchon can be found. It was expanded by the emergence of land in the southwestern part.

Lower and Upper Eastern Continents - are the two youngest ones, still (July 2007) fairly new, but they were settled quickly. Since a majority of the settlers here belong to the 'third wave', it is sometimes (rightly or wrongly) referred to as "Blingtardia" for it's vast number of quickly raised malls and entertainment palaces.

The Islands

There is no clear division of where some islands belong and the terms are only loosely used, generally.

Middle Isles - Azure Islands are probably the largest group of islands belonging to the Middle Islands.

Northislands - Have been expanding greatly during 2007 and continues to grow.

Western Isles - Some of the most legendary places belong to this group; The Independent State of Caledon, Samurai Islands, Rome, and others.

Monday, 11 June 2007

The ship Gotheburg back to port

Oct 2 2005, a rebuilt replica of the East Indiaman Gotheborg that sank in 1745, left Gothenburg to recreate the entire voyage to China and back. June 9 2007, after 20 months at sea, she returned to the Swedish city of Gothenburg.

Tuesday, 29 May 2007

Sail ho!

I have finally the resources to make simpler poses, which means that at long last, my spyglass is animated.
Now I just need to find a magnifying script.. ;)

Monday, 21 May 2007


With privateering gone and too few noob merchant ships around, it's turning to the good old time-honoured trade of rum-running.

At least we have a couple of lucrative orders:

8 crates Mauser rifles
14 boxes of cartridges
48 bottles of Sanchonite rum
1 barrel tobacco

Collection of posters, scantily clad Gorean freewomen

Delivering to
Ms. Kayeelah
Freewomen tribe of Luhati, Gor
(rifles, ammunition, rum, tobacco)

Mr. P. Smutty Esq.
Caledon Cay

L$ 19 200 - rifles
L$ 700 - ammunition
L$ 1 440 - rum
L$ 800 - tobacco
L$ 12 000 - posters


L$ 4 000 - bribes
L$ 1 707 - spoils, Fellowship of the Coast

Sunday, 20 May 2007

The Brigantine: Pictures

As an afterthought, maybe it would be a good idea to add some pictures of it, as well.
So here you are.

Saturday, 19 May 2007

About Ships inworld

Since we are harboured in Sanchon for some time, I thought I take the opportunity to reflect on some available ships.

I often meet newcomers and people maybe not so fresh off orientation island, but still new to the marine world of SL. Since I can't help studying about every ship I come across, I thought I write a wee bit about different ships. Mind you, these are my opinions and they may differ from yours, or even moreso, the shipwrights.

Ships - Sailing and non-moving
If you ever come across one of the gorgeous, majestic ships laying in the water, it is easy to get your imagination carried away, seeing yourself as the proud captain at the helm, the ship moving like a hind over the waves.

Unfortunately, there are limits to the physics of our world, and the atoms of our world (prims) put limitations on moving objects. So while a great, 45 metres long ship may look impressive, it is likely unable to move an inch.
Therefore, you have to divide our sailing ships into sailing and non-moving.

There are three basic principles when it comes to sailing ships. Two of them actually don't really sail per se, but are attached with the helmsman.

Ship's can be worn by the helmsman, as an attachment, usually on the pelvis, since this is a stable point. The ships travels pretty much by the same physics as when walking.

They can also have the helmsman sitting and driving, which is similar to other vehicles inworld, like motorboats. The ship may have sails, but are actually not using them, instead being powered in the same way as a motorboat.

The third version is based on the sailing mechanics originally devised by the legendary Kanker Greenacre (now that chap is a hero!). But because of the size of the ships, they also use something called 'wearable technology'. It makes the ship contain of two parts; the hull and some basic parts like masts. This one you sit on, just like other vehicles. The other part attaches to the helmsman, containing rigging, sails and all the rest.
Thanks to this, it is possible to sail though the ship has in total over 200 prims.

I have only seen three larger ships using this technique, two modern and one old. Well, to be fair, there are several models of one of the modern, but from the same shipwright, Jacqueline Trudeau.
Her largest yacht is a yawl, a magnificient sailing ship, which I have had the pleasure to try. More about this one later, though.
The other modern ship is the Kokakola Racing Sail by piera Tesio. I have not seen it sail, but I know it uses the same techniques.

Then there is the older one, The Brigantine, created by Chase Speculaas. Zaneta is one of these brigantines, though the newer version, based on La Mujer Viera. The difference lies only in colouring and textures, it is basically the same brigantine.
This is the largest of the older sailing ships available. That is if you mean sailing as in using the inworld winds for powering the ship and not being driven.

Of course I am probably quite subjective on this, but this is as piratey you can get inworld, when it comes to moving ships. The cannons are working and the SPD Brigantines can sink each other in battles, and if you sail to hard into the wind, she can actually capsize.

Some basic facts:

The Brigantine (& La Mujer Viera)
Shipwright: Chase Speculaas
Power: Sailing (Modified Kanker Greenacre's sailing mechanics)
Inworld display: Yes (Wind, angles, depth, etc)
Space (cabins, holds, etc): None, open deck only
Maximum crew: 4
Guns: 8
Prims: 27 basic + 247 for rigging and details (worn)
Permissions: Copy (Textures can be modified to taste, though)
Price: L$1399 (SLX)
The ship is displayed at the USSU Ship yard in Jinsil.
If you already have the Brigantine and would like to get the new version La Mujer Viera, this is available for 200 $L. Note that you must own the older one already.

Monday, 7 May 2007

Back in Sanchon

Lat. 83 dgrs 11'52"S, Long. 48 dgrs 42'30"E

After a long sail from Caledon, rounding the north continent and the Mayneland, we have once more reached the small port of Sanchon, home of the independent sailors.
Here we will do some P&P R&R for a good while, meet old friends and acquaintances and practice gunning, before planning the rest of the voyage.

Cap'n working hard hardly working

It is also with a great honour that we welcome aboard our newest crew member, none less than Commander Tiny Newt of some notoriety, who will take the position as a well experienced Quartermaster. Welcome aboard the Žaneta, Cutter!

Just before we arrived to Sanchon, another dispatch from Caledon reached us about a prominent citizen. The dispatch is top secret, which means that in true, delightful Caledonian traditions it is probably considered the hottest gossip on the town.

Wednesday, 25 April 2007

Peace! (Love & Understatements)

Eastern South Sea
Lat. 77 dgrs 52'30"S, Long. 72 dgrs 2'21"E
Well, we received the news today, through a Turing-coiled pidgeon, that Caledon is no longer at war. Or to quote a (somewhat) reliable (semi-) official source:

The Independent State of Caledon is NOT engaged in hostilities with Neualtenburg, has NEVER engaged in hostilities with Neualtenburg, you cannot conceive of a time when such hostilities EXISTED, there will NEVER BE hostilities between the Independent State of Caledon and Neualtenburg and the Neualtenburgers are our friends and cherished allies.

So instead of heading northwest again for some ripe Neualtenburger merchant ships a non-existing enemy, the crew decided to continue south in search for booty improving diplomatic relations between Caledon and foreign nations in the Great Southern Lands.

Reminder to self: Send message to the Fellowship of the Coast, that the crew of Zaneta will no longer claim Privateer status, as the end of the war means that any Letters of Marque be revoked. Mr. Trenton will however retain his Caledon Captaincy alongside with his Lieutenant's degree of the pirates free sailors of Sanchon.

Avast! Break out the rum kegs, me hearties and smartly! I need a grog!! And set sail for Sanchon!
Lubbers, the lot of them.. There goes the booty..

Sanchon Pirate Battles

(Crossposting, blog, newsfeed, site)

Usually, every Saturday at 5pm SLT (00:00 GMT/02:00 CEST), we're having pirate battles with our ships, followed by melees.

However, this time is not always convenient for us people living in other parts of the world than the 4 timezones in the USA. I have no idea if people are interested, but I will probably host a battle on Friday the 4th and perhaps upcoming Fridays, just to check if there is any interest. There'll probably be a treasure hunt, prizes for the captain and the crew of the winning ship, and so on.

The time is preliminarily set to:
Friday, May 4th
18:00 GMT, 11pm SLT, 19:00 BST (UK), 20:00 CEST (Central Europe)
at Sanchon, just below the Pirates' Pub

More updates forthcoming, as this is still being discussed.

Wednesday, 18 April 2007

You're a vampire? Bite me.

Enseha Island
Lat. 64 dgrs 01'00"S, Long. 86 dgrs 40'08"E

(Repost from earlier blog)

I'm quite interested in this thing about the augmentor/immersionist concept. What they mean is that augmentors see SL as an extension of RL (they are "themselves") and immersionists roleplay (they play a role that are not them).

Th reason why it fascinates me is mainly because I think it affects how we interact with each other. Apart from the classical variables when we communicate, such as culture, language, gender and what not, this adds one more variable in this place.

Of course, few of us stand with both feet firmly planted in either camp, but somewhere in between, with an inclination towards one of them. And the line is not only blurry, but probably quite often situational.

Me, I lean towards being an augmentor. Sin T and Sin A is the same person, the former only being an extension of the latter. Some of us are in-game while others in-world.
But I "play" roles too, only they are based on the titles I have received. I am not a naval officer, samurai or aristocrat. But I carry these titles in-world because of the groups I belong to and sometimes for what I have contributed with to these communities. For me, they are marks of recognition and I think I have the right to be proud of these recognitions, just as I am proud to have the opportunity to work and play with these creative people.

I am not a Victorian aristocrat, but I behave in a certain fashion when in Caledon. And enjoy it thoroughly. I am rediscovering and can hone my nautical skills, from when I was younger, in SL. And also, and I think many agree with me, I can wear clothes like my Middle-Eastern long coat (well, it is quite Omayyad Caliphate inspired, I would say) or Japanese hakama or Edwardian jacket and cravat in-world, without anyone hoisting a brow. Trust me, if I could get away with attending a business-meeting IRL in long, dark flowing robes, I would. (For now, retaining my golden earrings has to suffice).

For me, mainly, SL is a place where I can participate in a truly international environment, because to me, at the end of the day, it is not about swordplay, sailing (much as I enjoy both, in both Lives) or creations. Creations were made by people. People are creative and that is it. It is about people, meeting and knowing people. It is Sin who meets people, be it Sin A or Sin T. There is no difference between these two, apart from analogue or digital flesh. (Though my analogue me may consider buying a new skin in 15 years or so).

Sometimes, the conversations become a bit odd though, when an immersionist and an augmentor meet. Like two recent encounters I have had.

One was a girl, looking very ordinary (by SL standards, which means gorgeous, flowing hair and dressed like going to the gala). She said "I play a psychiatrist in SL". I confess being a bit surprised by this comment, and having a degree in Behavioural Sciences myself, I asked her further about it. IRL she is a secretary at an insurance company, but is fascinated by psychology and read mags and "lighter" books about it.
I think SL is a great opportunity for her to learn and discover more about the subject, if she likes to.

The other was with a... well.. a dandy dresser, that's for sure. I think he was a angel of death slash magician slash vampire slash insert something here. I was at our ship, preparing stuff when he appeared. Here are some selected bits from our conversation:

Him: Is this your ship?
Me: No, it belongs to Captain Newt, but I hold the position as Navigator on board.
Him: What you do here?
Me: Well, we got attacked by pirates and as you can see by the damages, we needed to set anchor pretty immediately.
Him: This is my place. Pirates are my friend. (He is not the sim owner. I know her briefly)
Me: Ah. Well, which pirates? XX's crew? (XX being the sim owner)
Him: All pirates.
(After this follows a breif conversation, as I try to explain to him that pirates don't nor didn't have any automatical, mutual allegiance or love for each other, like say football supporters of the same team, just because they were pirates. Not sure if that got through, though).
Him: You have no chance, little human. I am strong and my magic is big.
Me: I assume you are not referring to the Colt in your belt? I have one of those too, so..
Him: No, my big magic.
Me: Ah, orbit devices and such, yep. Know what you mean. Got those too. One griefer too many made me shop at SLX for it.
Him: Maybe I will want your blood. You must leave or I will take it.
Me: Not much blood in this digital body, I'm afraid, but if you're aching for a tussle, I may be able to comply.
Him: You should be afraid me. My magic is strong.
Me (at this time quite occupied working on a couple of prims): Yes, so you mentioned earlier. Well, let me finish what I am doing, since I need to take care of stuff RL in a while, and then we can discuss that fear thing. Ok? (I refrained from saying 'savvy?')
Him: Humans afraid me. Pirates are my friend.

And so on.

Whatever you say, you got to love SL for adding whole new versions of communication to our experience. :)

Friday, 13 April 2007

All Quiet On The Eastern Front

Eastern Sea
Lat. 16 dgrs 47'11"S, Long. 56 dgrs 21'34"E

Since things are a bit quiet right now in the conflict between Caledon and Neualtenburg, we are setting sail southeast towards the small island of Enseha.

If no orders are dispatched further, we will probably head for the coast of Sanchon after that.
But right now, things are pretty quiet..
Just the ship and her crew, the winds and the waves.

Sunday, 8 April 2007

Welcome aboard!

Eastern Sea
Lat. 4 dgrs 28'51"N, Long. 48 dgrs 31'19"E

It is with great joy and pleasure that three crew members are welcomed aboard! These three fierce Ensehans are:

Berford Action - Boatswain
Mikaila Tani - Master Gunner
Nic Paravane - Galley Wench

Pictures of the merry crew are bound to be added later, as Berford "Berfie" Action is also a skilled photographer.

Right now, we are leaving the Maynelande behind us and heading SouthEast for the islands.

Friday, 6 April 2007

Port Neualtenburg

Port Neualtenburg
Lat. 5 dgrs 04'11"S, Long. 18 dgrs 43'04"E

Last evening, at 23:21 SLT (06:21 GTM), we opened fire on Port Altenburg, in retaliation of their act against Caledon.

The bombardment of our guns went well and from our position, we had time to aim and adjust the cannons.
In addition to this, we placed a Caledon flag on the docks, together with an anchor, and a written challenge to the brigantines of Neualtenburg to meet us on open waters.
A copy of the challenge was dispatched to Captain Paris in Caledon.

Friday, 30 March 2007


Lat. 5 dgrs 37'30"S, Long. 22 dgrs 09'23"E

While on our way to Sanctum Sanctorum, a dispatch from Caledon reached the ship, through a mechanical pidgeon, powered with Turing coils or what they call it.

Caledon is preparing itself for the upcoming war with Neualtenburg!

We changed course and rounded the northern coast of the Northlands, before sailing down towards Neualtenburg.

We had a brief encounter with the "Spirit of Puca", a Neualtenburger ship, but though shots were fired, none of the ships were really damaged.

Currently we have anchored just outside the mouth of the river that leads to the enemy harbour. Captain Paris as well as the Ministry have been informed about our position, and we await orders.

Thursday, 22 March 2007


The NorthWest High Seas
Lat. 36 dgrs 35'18"N, Long. 61 dgrs 12'29"W

Right now, we are heading for Sanctum Sanctorum, but I calculated the position of Enseha, the friendly harbour where my good friends wait and where I feel at home. Much as I love travelling, exploring and being at sea, the company of good friends, the jolly banter are things every man needs, I think.

According to the Ahern navigation, the island is at Lat. 64 dgrs 01'00"S, Long. 86 dgrs 40'08"E.
This means we will travel down the west coast of the Maineland, head for the Azure Islands, before turning east. It will take us away from the straight course to Sanchon, but from what I have heard, the dear old Sanchon has deteriorated a tad lately.
Do you know the difference between a griefer, a newbie and a munchkin?
The griefer we all know. Aimed for mayhem, disruption and not really interested in interacting with others than peers, or even not that at times.
A newbie has one, important excuse. He or she is on a learning curve, even if possibly at the beginning. We all have had our boxes on our heads. We all have been newbies. But this is just a stage, before we develop and learn.

The munchkin, a popular term in classical roleplaying, is something else. Learning is aimed at not learning how to interact with the world, or other people, but how to "beat the system". Self-gain, empowering, bending the rules without breaking them, these are the goals of the munchkin. Social interaction is completely uninteresting, collaboration unheard of. They toss their half-witted prim-bloated projects around, and claim power in the absence of any moderator or landowner.
Sanchon always have had its shares of griefers and newbies. The altter, we happily have been helping, just like back home, in Caledon.

But now, it seems the munchkins have arrived to Sanchon. Oh, well. I will talk with old friends, visit my humble cottage and for the rest? There are always other places, where you meet interesting people.
After Sanchon, we will probably head southwest, for the legendary islands, like Rome, Samurai Edo and others. But there is still a long way to go before we reach those destinations.

Wednesday, 21 March 2007

The High Seas of NorthWest

Lat. 39 dgrs 25'04"N, Long. 74 dgrs 55'42"W

The compass. A Captain's best friend at sea.

The passage between Caledon and the Northlands, the northern mainland, is a switch between open sea with no land visible, and clusters of islands, threaded like pearls on a string.

To say these islands make a symphony of variations, must be the understatement of the century (and consider this century has just about only started). Gaudy, gloomy, commercial, tropical, fay, seclusive havens, every kind can be encountered.

I know some people that have lived here a long time sometimes lament the floods of immigrants, and the numerous islands blooming up. I am no newcomer to worlds like this, and have been part of the early adopters/explorers in more than one community, even if I have not been here for that long.
I don't lament that fact, because even if the fairy enchantment can be seen as fading by those not flexible enough to adapt, the world is getting more diverse. What one of the old ones cried has been turned into "tedious banality" is just the simple fact that you have to look to the person, the individuals, not the eloquent, flowing, poetical garb.
Funny how it may seem.. a person in a purple garb may be as unimaginative as a person in a t-shirt and jeans may be a poet.
Good old Oscar said "It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious." Or New or Old, Immersionist or Augmentor.

This world is a mirror of the other world. Because we are the same people in both worlds, no matter what guise we wear.

Sunday, 18 March 2007

Treasure Island II

The locals of Treasure Island, Captain Ace and Commander Sunny, the undisputed Pirate Queen of the island.
Since both parties knew of each other through reputation, the encounter was friendly and polite.

Saturday, 17 March 2007

A stronghold of pirates

Treasure Island
Lat. 41 dgrs 44'22"N, Long. 126 dgrs 49'22"W

This small island lies just north of Caledon. The inhabitants generally keep quiet on the whereabouts of its exact location, but thanks to a map that a captain better unnamed showed me one evening, I was able to memorize the approximate bearings.

The terrain is mountainous, with a prominent river dividing it in a northern and souther part.
Tall mountains, waterfalls and the river all make the land quite untouched and wildlife exists in abundance.

Apart from the steep mountains, the two most prominent features are the number of pirate ships anchored in the area..

These are scattered around the coast, as well as the ship of Captain Sunny herself anchored up the river.

And also the arena, where they settle their scores in a forthright manner.

The brief time we spent there, we didn't see anyone around the place. However, when heading back the to the ship, we could hear the clang of steel behind us, evidence that these buccaneers were at least practicing.

After a brief meeting with Captain Newt, comparing notes and orders, we rested, before setting sail again, to the east.

Friday, 16 March 2007


Lt. Sin Trenton Esq. on the docks of Port Caledon,
just before going aboard.

Leaving Port Caledon

Port Caledon
Lat. 29 dgrs 17'30"N, Long. 121 dgrs 42'11"W

Supplies have been taken aboard, and the ship is ready to set sail. The port is not too far from Caledon, being Treasure Island, where a rendez-vous with HMS Endeavour is planned.

HMS Zaneta is a brigantine, carrying 8 large guns on deck and is an agile ship.

While looking simple, these looks can deceive, since the ship is sailable (not just rezzed on waters and then sitting there) and her guns are working! The SPD system means that these ships can not only sail, but damage each other and even sink.

HMS Zaneta is currently flying the colours of the Independent State of Caledon

(The latitude/longitude used is estimated according to the Ahern system)